Decoding Shopping Habits Across Generations

Ever wondered how different generations shop? Whether you're Gen Z, a Millennial, Gen X, or a Baby Boomer, your shopping habits are likely shaped by your experiences and preferences. Let's dive into new Ipsos market research that sheds light on how Americans across generations are spending their money.

Get ready for some surprising insights as we explore the quirks of our shopping habits.

A person pushes a shopping cart in a store

75% of Millennial women have been to a big box store within the past week.

In-Person Shopping at Big Box Stores

Does this scenario sound familiar? You head out to a big box store, like Target or Walmart, just for toothpaste, but end up leaving with a cart full of items you hadn’t realized you needed. (Target runs are definitely a thing!)

When it comes to in-person shopping, big box stores are a go-to - about 61% of Americans shopped at one last week. Millennial women lead the pack, with a staggering three-quarters (75%) hitting big box stores in the past week. Meanwhile, only 54% of Millennial men, Baby Boomer men, and Baby Boomer women reported doing the same.


Brand Preferences: Store Brand vs. Name Brand

Brand loyalty is shifting. More Americans are opting for store brands over name brands. Around one-third (33%) say they bought mostly store brand items in the last week. It's likely not just about saving money. Store brands have also upped their game in quality.

Only one-quarter of Americans (24%) say they are staying loyal to name brands, showing that the brand power of yesteryear may be fading. Many Americans (41%) are mixing it up, buying both store and name brand products. This trend likely suggests a savvy consumer base that knows when to splurge and when to save.


Food, Drinks, and Dining Preferences

Food and drink preferences can reveal a lot about us! Over a quarter of Americans (27%) grabbed a fancy latte or a quick bite from a specialty coffee chain last week. It's not just about the caffeine kick. For many, it's all about the taste experience, the atmosphere, and, yes, the Instagram-worthy photos.

Fast food remains a top choice for convenience and speed, with half of Americans (52%) indulging in a quick meal of burgers and fries, or one of the many other fast food options, in the past week. Whether it's a morning coffee run or a late-night fast food craving, these habits show how we prioritize convenience in our busy lives.

A barista hands a to-go coffee order over the counter

Over a quarter of Americans (27%) visited a specialty coffee chain last week.

Dining Out vs. Food Delivery

Eating at a restaurant or ordering in?

There's a clear divide here. Only 15% of Americans say they have used a food delivery app recently, while half (51%) have enjoyed a meal at a sit-down restaurant.

The younger crowd, aged 18-29, is leading the charge with food delivery apps, with one-quarter (24%) reporting they have ordered from them in the past week. For Gen Z, it seems that it’s all about convenience and getting your favorite meals without leaving the couch.

On the flip side, over half (54%) of Baby Boomers, aged 65+, have dined out recently, preferring the restaurant ambiance and the service. In comparison, among Gen Z, 47% say they have dined in a sit-down restaurant in the past week.


Do Your Shopping Habits Follow These Trends?

These insights show how shopping habits vary across generations. From grabbing coffee to shopping for groceries, each age group has its own unique quirks and preferences.

Businesses can use this info to cater to different needs and preferences, making shopping experiences more personalized and enjoyable.

What about you? Do your shopping habits fit these trends, or do you have your own unique way of making purchases? Either way, we want to hear about it! You can make a difference when you participate in surveys with Ipsos iSay. Plus, you'll earn gift cards and other rewards to give your shopping a boost! Check your dashboard for available surveys now.



The Ipsos research shared in this article has been sourced from:

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