Digital Media Mavericks: Gen Z and Millennial Men

In the ever-evolving world of digital media, many GenZ and Millennial men are plugged into a daily mix of technology, games, and streaming services. We asked male Ipsos iSay members, ages 18-34, all about how they interact with their favorite gaming platforms, social media apps, and on-demand content. Get ready to discover how this generation of young American men interacts with the world of media.

A young man holds a video game controller while playing a game on his PC.

Among young American men who play video games, the majority (59%) play between 5 to 20 hours per week.

Level Up: All About Video Games

For casual gamers or hardcore enthusiasts alike, video games have a big presence in the lives of young American men. Among the various consoles available, PlayStation clearly takes the crown – PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 are each owned by nearly half (44%) of our survey takers. Not far behind in ownership are the Nintendo Switch (37%) and Xbox Series X (36%).

Among those who play, a significant number of young men dedicate a substantial amount time to gaming every week. The majority (59%) spend between 5 and 20 hours per week playing their favorite games. However, a devoted 23% play more than 20 hours per week! This dedication speaks volumes about the immersive and engaging nature of modern video games. Offering the opportunity to explore vast open worlds, compete in intense multiplayer matches, or get lost in captivating narratives, video games offer a level of interactive entertainment unmatched by traditional media.


Connections, Trends, and Memes: Interactions with Social Media

Social media has become the pulse of modern communication, with young American males fully immersed in this dynamic digital world. Among the various platforms, video giant YouTube takes the lead with an overwhelming 84% usage among young men, offering entertainment, information, and community. Rounding out the top three among males aged 18-34 are Meta strongholds, Facebook (69%) and Instagram (66%). Meanwhile, controversial newcomer TikTok has managed to attract just over half (56%) of this demographic with its short-form videos and viral trends. Other platforms where you could expect to find Gen Z and young Millennial men include X (47%) of respondents, WhatsApp (45%), Snapchat (44%), Reddit (38%), and LinkedIn (33%).

A chart showing the Most-Used Social Media Platforms among American men aged 18 to 34. YouTube 84%, Facebook 69%, Instagram 66%, TikTok 56%, X 47%, WhatsApp 45%, Snapchat 44%, Reddit 38%, LinkedIn 33%

YouTube is the most-used social media platform among young American men.

Interestingly, three-quarters (74%) of the young men we surveyed said they engage with social media on a daily basis, confirming the important role these platforms play in their lives. Whether it's sharing memes, catching up with friends, or staying informed about current events, social media never fails to provide a constant stream of content and connection.


Forever Binge-Worthy: Streaming Entertainment

Streaming services have revolutionized how we consume movies and TV shows, and young American men are at the forefront of this shift. Netflix, with their vast library of original content and licensed titles, holds the top spot and is used by two-thirds (67%) of our survey-takers. Amazon Prime Video (58%) comes in second, followed by Hulu (49%), Disney+ (46%), and Max (39%).

When it comes to their favorite genres on these platforms, three-quarters of young men favor comedy (75%) and action (72%). Other genres preferred by at least half include drama (56%), science fiction (54%), and thrillers (51%). With so many streaming services and such a wide array of content, there’s always something new to watch!

A young man is wearing headphones and watching a movie on a tablet while lying on a couch.

Three-quarters of young American men (67%) enjoy streaming comedy movies and TV shows.

In a media-saturated world, video games, social media, and streaming services are no longer just forms of entertainment for young American men's media preferences. These platforms contribute significantly to their lifestyle, social interactions, and even their identity. As technology continues to evolve, so will the ways in which this demographic interacts with media.



Source: Ipsos iSay study conducted April 19 to May 17, 2024, on 676 U.S. males, aged 18-34

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