The Fascinating World of Perception, Prejudice, and Our Pursuit of Truth

In a world teeming with information and diverse beliefs, it is intriguing to explore how our perceptions, prejudices, and even conspiracy theories shape our understanding of reality. New data from Ipsos provide an interesting insight into these dynamics. A recent Ipsos study found that supernatural phenomena continue to captivate a significant portion of the global population. 

sun or meteorite shower

Perception and Prejudice

Supernatural Beliefs: A Global Perspective

Delving into the intriguing realm of the supernatural, it's fascinating to observe how deeply certain beliefs are ingrained in societies across the globe. On average, across ten countries, about 27% of people believe 'partly' or 'completely' in witchcraft, 35% in ghosts, and 28% in clairvoyance. Despite the skepticism among many, these statistics remind us that the world of the supernatural still holds a grip on the collective human imagination. 


The Power of Personal Experience in Understanding Science 

Interestingly, when it comes to the realm of empirical science, personal experience is often deemed more trustworthy than scientific explanations. Almost half, 49% on average across 10 countries, express a degree of skepticism towards scientists, relying more on their personal experiences and research. This finding underscores the powerful influence of personal experience in shaping our understanding of the world. 

man on the moon

Did we land or not on the Moon?

The Moon Landing: Fact or Fiction?

As we venture into the world of conspiracy theories, it's striking to note the persistence of disbelief surrounding one of humanity's most significant achievements – the moon landing. A surprising 18% (on average across 10 countries) believes that the "Americans never sent men to the moon" and that "the pictures are fakes, shot in a studio by NASA." This belief, still held by a significant minority, is a testament to the enduring power of conspiracy theories. 

Green Choices: Perception vs Reality 

Finally, when it comes to making green choices in our daily lives, it seems there is a disconnect between perception and reality. The Ipsos survey found that while 60% of people consider recycling as a key green action, it only ranks seventh in terms of actual impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Conversely, actions like having fewer children and avoiding long flights, which are two of the top carbon reducers, are seen as less effective by 20% and 13% of people respectively. 


The Intricate Dance of Perception and Reality 

These findings offer a fascinating glimpse into our perceptions, prejudices, and the powerful role of personal beliefs in shaping our understanding of the world around us. They serve as a reminder that our pursuit of knowledge and truth is a complex, nuanced journey, influenced by a multitude of factors. As we continue to navigate this journey, let's remember to keep the conversation going, challenging our beliefs and perceptions, and learning from each other. After all, every opinion matters, and it is through dialogue that we can deepen our understanding and appreciation of our wonderfully diverse world. 

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Source: Ipsos survey conducted among 10,000 people on the Ipsos.Digital platform from 22 to 25 November 2023. 

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