10 GBP PayPal

10 GBP PayPal
PayPal is the global leader in online payment transactions. Buy from millions of online stores without sharing your financial information. A simple, secure way to quickly send & receive money to family and friends. Available in 202 countries and 25 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages.

Your PayPal Gift Card will be available instantly.

Please check your e-mail for the expiration date!

To redeem your PayPal Gift Card:

1. Click on the redemption link and enter the 6-digit PIN provided.

2. Click Continue

3. Copy or note the new 4-digit PIN displayed.

4. Click the View Your Award button. This button will open the PayPal award in a new window. If clicking the View Your Award button does not work, please copy the provided PayPal redemption link and paste it into a new browser window.

5. Enter the new 4-digit PIN when prompted.

6. Follow the steps on screen to login to your PayPal account to complete the funds transfer.

We recommend clearing your browser cache and cookies after opening the link, in case the log in with PayPal doesn’t show. You can also remove the cookies using the “padlock” icon in front of the URL in the address bar and paste the link in the same window again.

The merchants represented are not sponsors of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with Ipsos iSay. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions.