How Ipsos Makes Surveys Easy to Take on Any Device!

These days, most people use their smartphones for everything. At Ipsos iSay, we’re exactly the same! Because of this, we want to make sure our surveys are easy to take on any device, including phones, so that as many people as possible can get involved. Here are some of the ways we do this:

Designing for Mobile First

When Ipsos iSay creates a new survey, we start by making it work well on phones. If a survey looks good on a small screen, it will work on a computer too – and as an added benefit, this means the survey looks the same on all devices. Some question types, like where we use big tables, don't work well on phones. Ipsos uses mobile-friendly options instead, like grids that collapse or move as you scroll. Rating scales are short and go from top to bottom.

Short and Simple Questions:

We keep our questions short, usually less than 140 characters, and we also limit the number of answers to choose from. This way, you don't have to scroll too much. If one of our questions is similar to another one, we also make sure we make it as clear as possible using formatting like bolded words. This helps people using a small screen notice the essential points.

Keeping it Clean:

We remove things that take up space on the screen, like long intros, too many logos, or casual language. We’ll only show you progress bars and extra instructions if you really need them.

ipsos isay mobile friendly

 Ipsos Makes Surveys Easy to Take on Any Device!

Same Look Throughout:

We make sure that the survey looks the same from start to finish. It’s easy to tell the questions, instructions, and answers apart. We use words like “select” instead of “click” so it makes sense on any device.

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Easy to Use:

You don’t need to be an expert at using your phone to take an Ipsos survey, especially if you're using the Ipsos iSay App! Everything is designed to be “finger-friendly.” Lists are fully visible when possible, so you don’t get tired of scrolling.

We try not to ask for too much typing or number entry, so you don’t have to use the small keyboard for too long when you’re on a phone.

Lots of Testing:

Before a survey goes live, we test it on many smartphones, systems, and browsers. We even test on older, smaller phones, so we are happy they work for as many people as possible.

We spend a lot of time making the questions and the whole experience as easy as we can.


We want to make sure their surveys are easy, fun, and worth your time to take on any device, and we are always working to make the survey experience even better, no matter how you access it.

👉Why not see what surveys are available for you right now, and see what we mean?

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