Commute Blues? Share Your Views on UK Transport with Ipsos iSay!

Have you ever felt like your commute is taking forever? Or maybe you struggle to get groceries without a car?

A recent Ipsos study found that most adults in the UK (7 in 10) believe they need a vehicle for their everyday lifestyle. But that doesn't necessarily mean everyone is happy with the current transportation options.  


Nearly six in ten adults (58%) disagree that it is less important to own a car nowadays.

The Ipsos study also revealed that nearly half of UK adults say the transport links in their local area are not good enough. This highlights a potential gap between people's needs and the existing transportation infrastructure. When it comes to alternative ways of getting around, like car sharing or cycling, people are cooler on these options. For example, six in ten adults agree it is too dangerous for them to cycle on the roads and the same proportion disagree that sharing, renting or hiring a car (instead of owning one) is a good option for them.  

Forty nine percent of adults say they are not the kind of person who rides a bicycle

stat with britons opinion on bike riding

Forty nine percent of adults say they are not the kind of person who rides a bicycle

Britons encourage more sustainable transportation

On a brighter note, the public seems to be open to policies that encourage more sustainable transportation options. The study found majority support for measures that promote walking, cycling, and public transport use. Sixty five percent of adults would support encouraging more people to walk or cycle instead of driving to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions from transport. 


Source: Ipsos study, conducted 25 April – 1 May 2024, on 5875 UK adults   

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